Why should we take multivitamin


Many asks why should we take multivitamins ? What is the need of taking it ? Is it really necessary?? 
Let's talk about it:-

Everyone wants to live a healthy lifestyle many goes to gym and perform rigorous training and consume carbohydrates, protein,fats , these are the macronutrients which the body requires.
The same is the need of micronutrients like vitamins and minerals and other trace elements.
For healthy body there is some daily requirement of the Vitamin and minerals.
Vitamins are easily broken as these are organic in nature so sometimes we may not get the required quantity of vitamin by the foods as it may be broken down while cooking whereas minerals are inorganic and cannot be broken down easily.
Vitamins and minerals are very important for the entire functioning of the bodies for example absorption of macronutrients , boosting immune system.
Vitamins and minerals are useful for the growth of hairs, nails for maintenance of skin texture,eyes health etc.
Vitamins are of two types fat soluble and water soluble ,the one which are fat soluble are stored in the fat of our body and water soluble vitamin are not stored in body that is there daily requirement should be fulfilled.
List of fat soluble and water soluble vitamin are

So let's talk about multivitamin we should use it or not??
As per my opinion there is certain daily requirement of micronutrients in the body which cannot be fulfilled by the regular food.
So it can be overcome by the use of multivitamin for minerals there is certain requirement which can be fulfilled by the food but some minerals are required in high quantity such as magnesium about 250 mg perday can't be fulfilled by the food so it is required to use  multivitamin as a supplement.
There is generally no side effects of multivitamin.It can be used by everyone.Bodybuilders and fit persons are recommended to add it in their diet
as they require more vitamins and minerals then average person.Daily requirement of Vitamins and minerals are

So the use of mutivitamin must be there as the defficiency of Vitamins and minerals causes many diseases of eyes ,hairs,skin,immunity etc.
Everything has it's pros and cons as the excess use of multivitamin increases toxicity in the body and many other side effects.

One who dont workout and have much fat may face side effects of using regular multivitamins as the fat soluble vitamin stored in large quantities in the fat increases toxicity ,but for the fit personas who perform regular exercise and have good diet doesn't face any side effects of using multivitamin.

Taking care of all the above points we reach to the point that everyone can introduce the multivitamin in there diet but the dosage should be less like two tablets a day is enough and will not show any side effect.
Remember if you workout 4 times in a week then the use of multivitamin will give you very positive results ,So for healthy lifestyle workout and good diet should be there for making the use of multivitamin worthfull.
Anyways everyone can use multivitamin who can not fulfill the need of daily recommendation of Vitamin and minerals from food.

Hope that I had cleared all my points .
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